Mastering Threat Hunting with Osquery: A


In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to master threat hunting with Osquery. From understanding its capabilities to exploring advanced use cases and configurations, this comprehensive guide will help you level up your security strategy.

In today’s cybersecurity landscape, traditional reactive defenses are no longer enough to protect against the sophisticated, stealthy threats lurking in digital environments. Proactive threat hunting, armed with the right tools, allows organizations to search for hidden threats before they cause significant harm. Osquery, a powerful open-source tool, is quickly becoming a go-to choice for security professionals to hunt down undetected malicious activity. But how do you harness its full potential?

Why Threat Hunting Matters

Threat hunting is a proactive cybersecurity measure that goes beyond automated detection systems like antivirus software and firewalls. In contrast to these systems, which react only when known threats are detected, threat hunters actively search for evidence of compromise across networks and endpoints.

Proactively identifying suspicious behaviors, detecting anomalous patterns, and responding to threats early ensures that cyberattacks are neutralized before causing any damage.

Key Benefits of Threat Hunting:

  • Early Detection: Identifies threats that bypass automated defenses.
  • Faster Response: Reduces time to detection (TTD) and time to remediation (TTR).
  • Enhanced Visibility: Improves understanding of your IT environment and security posture.

Getting Started with Osquery

Osquery converts your system infrastructure into a relational database, allowing you to run SQL-like queries to explore and monitor your endpoints in real-time. The platform’s flexibility, open-source nature, and extensive capabilities make it ideal for proactive threat hunting.

Steps to Install Osquery:

  1. Download the appropriate package for your operating system (available for Linux, macOS, and Windows).
  2. Install using your package manager (Yum, APT, Brew, or Chocolatey for Windows).
  3. Configure your osquery.conf file to suit your organization’s specific logging and monitoring needs.

Once installed, you can immediately begin querying system data in real-time. The platform allows you to extract detailed information about running processes, network connections, file integrity, user activity, and much more.

Osquery Queries for Threat Hunting

Threat hunters typically rely on a set of tailored queries to uncover potential threats. Below are some examples of osquery queries that can help detect suspicious activities within your environment.

1. Detecting Suspicious Login Attempts:

SELECT * FROM failed_logins WHERE count > 5;

This query helps identify systems or users that have had multiple failed login attempts, a common indicator of brute force attacks.

2. Monitoring File Integrity:

SELECT * FROM file WHERE path = ‘/etc/passwd’ AND mode <> ‘0644’;

Monitoring critical files for unauthorized changes is key to ensuring system integrity.

3. Detecting Malware in Autoruns:

SELECT * FROM autoruns WHERE path LIKE ‘%malicious_software%’;

Autoruns provide valuable insight into programs that automatically execute during startup. Malware often attempts to hide in these areas.

Advanced Threat Hunting Techniques

While basic osquery queries offer a solid foundation for threat detection, leveraging more advanced techniques will significantly enhance your threat-hunting capabilities.

1. Leveraging Scheduled Queries

You can configure scheduled queries within osquery to run at specified intervals and report back to a centralized logging server. This ensures continuous monitoring, helping you detect potential threats that might arise over time.

SELECT * FROM processes WHERE cmdline LIKE ‘%crypto-miner%’;

Regularly scheduled queries like this one can detect malware or unauthorized processes, allowing for prompt action.

2. Custom Logging and Alerting

Integrating osquery with centralized logging solutions such as Splunk, ELK Stack, or Graylog allows you to aggregate threat data and correlate events across your entire infrastructure. This integration not only enhances visibility but also enables real-time alerting based on osquery outputs.

3. Using Fleet for Endpoint Management

To scale your threat hunting across multiple endpoints, Fleet is an excellent solution. Fleet is an osquery management interface that allows you to manage large clusters of osquery hosts, making it easier to distribute queries and analyze data in larger environments.

Real-World Use Case: Detecting Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

Let’s dive into a real-world scenario. Imagine an advanced persistent threat (APT) group attempting to infiltrate your environment by leveraging social engineering to install a backdoor on an endpoint.

Using osquery, you can proactively hunt for tell-tale signs of APT activity. For example, executing a query to detect abnormal outbound connections from critical servers could reveal data exfiltration attempts.

SELECT * FROM connections WHERE remote_port = ‘443’ AND local_port NOT LIKE ‘443’;

This query can help identify unauthorized outbound connections masked as normal HTTPS traffic, a common exfiltration tactic.

Best Practices for Threat Hunting with Osquery

  1. Define Clear Objectives: Set specific goals for each threat hunt, such as identifying rogue access points or detecting suspicious file modifications.
  2. Monitor High-Risk Areas: Focus on high-risk systems and user accounts, as these are often targeted by attackers.
  3. Stay Up to Date: Continuously refine your queries and threat-hunting techniques to stay ahead of evolving attack vectors.
  4. Collaborate and Share Knowledge: Threat intelligence sharing with the wider security community can enhance the accuracy and relevance of your threat hunts.


Osquery’s flexibility and open-source power make it an invaluable tool for proactive threat hunting. By running tailored queries, leveraging advanced features, and integrating with larger security ecosystems like SentryCA, you can build a highly resilient cybersecurity strategy.

Don’t wait for threats to emerge—take control of your security posture today by mastering the art of threat hunting with Osquery.

Strengthening Your Security Strategy with SentryCA

While Osquery provides a robust foundation for threat hunting, coupling it with a powerful cybersecurity solution like SentryCA can take your security posture to the next level. SentryCA offers real-time monitoring, automatic threat detection, and comprehensive incident response capabilities, ensuring that your threat-hunting efforts are not just proactive, but highly efficient.

Try SentryCA for Free Today! Ready to elevate your cybersecurity defenses? Start your free trial of SentryCA and experience unparalleled threat detection and response. Don’t wait for the next attack—arm your team with the tools they need to hunt down and neutralize threats before they become critical.

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