Archives: Glossary Terms


Data crossing or temporarily resident in a network.

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Active data undergoing analysis, change, or other manipulation.

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Active data undergoing analysis, change, or other manipulation.

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Dead-box forensics

A forensic technique where practitioners capture an entire image of a system and analyze the contents offline.

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The process of converting encrypted data into something that a human or computer can understand. Taking ciphertext and converting it into plaintext.

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Deep web

Those portions of the Internet not indexed by standard search engines. Contrast darknet and dark internet

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A technique in which images or videos are altered by sophisticated deep-learning artificially intelligent systems to produce convincing but fraudulent content. Deepfakes would have significant use in information operations.

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Denial-of-service attack

A cyber attack that renders a network or other computing resource unavailable to its users. Compare distributed denial-of-service attack.

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Device Trust

The process of verifying that a device is known, secure, and uncompromised before allowing it to connect to a network or access resources.

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The set of people, processes, technologies, and cultural norms that integrates software development and IT operations into a system-of-systems. Compare DevSecOps.

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