Archives: Glossary Terms

DNS hijacking 

Subverting the resolution of Domain Name System (DNS) queries, typically by overriding a computer’s TCP/IP configuration to point at a rogue DNS server under the attacker’s control, or by modifying...

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DNS redirection

Subverting the resolution of Domain Name System (DNS) queries, typically by overriding a computer’s TCP/IP configuration to point at a rogue DNS server under the attacker’s control, or by modifying...

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Domain fluxing

A technique for keeping a malicious botnet in operation by constantly changing the botnet command-and-control server’s domain name using a domain-generation algorithm. Domain fluxing makes it difficult for network administrators...

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Domain spoofing

An attack technique in which the attacker impersonates a trusted domain to lure a victim. Compare phishing, homographic attack.

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To publish information, usually sensitive or discreditable, about and belonging to a person or organization, that has been obtained from a non-cooperating system. Sometimes spelled “doxx.”

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The practice of finding and retrieving, typically in a non-cooperating system, private and usually sensitive or discreditable information about a person or an organization, and then publishing that information.

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A computer storage device: a hard drive, a USB drive, etc. (Not to be confused with driver.)

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Drive-by download

A malicious download that occurs when a victim visits a site infested with an exploit kit designed to install its payload in devices that visit that site.

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Software that interfaces a hardware device with an operating system. (Not to be confused with drive.)

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Dumpster diving 

An information-gathering technique in which an attacker roots through the physical garbage of a potential target, looking for information that might be useful in subsequent attacks. It might be used...

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