Archives: Glossary Terms

Fast flux attack

An attack using a network designed to obfuscate the location of a cyber adversary’s command and control server by manipulating the domain name system (DNS) in a way that rotates...

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A named collection of data, such as a document or a picture.

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Fileless malware 

A kind of malware used in low-observable-characteristics attacks. Because it abuses legitimate programs and does not rely on storing files on a hard drive (instead going directly to memory) fileless...

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Definition of firewall : noun Definition of firewall : verb

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Persistent program code and data stored in a non-volatile memory device inside an embedded device or a computer. Changing firmware requires special procedures and is rarely done over a device’s...

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In the context of cyber security, examination of digital material and computer devices for the purposes of gathering evidence in an investigation of an exploit or criminal act.

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Acronym for free and open source software. Note that “free” here means “freely modifiable and redistributable,” not necessarily “free of charge.”

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A slang term used by carders to refer to a package that contains an extensive (“full”) set of personal data on an individual. Fullz will usually include name, Social Security...

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A black box testing technique that finds bugs through the automated injection of random or malformed data into a system.

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Google dorking

The practice of uncovering information not readily discoverable by using a search string that includes advanced search operators.

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