Archives: Glossary Terms

Government surveillance

A government’s collection of informaiton by ongoing observation of individuals or groups. In the context of cybersecurity, the surveillance is conducted by obserations of networks and information processing and communication...

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Gray box testing

Software debugging or vulnerability testing in which the tester has only limited knowledge of a program’s internal details, and in particular no access to the source code. A gray box...

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Grey hat

A hacker whose activities are neither clearly legal (white hat) nor illegal (black hat). Hacking is often called “grey hat” when it happens in circumstances where law is unsettled or...

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An application that may not carry any recognizable malware, but which is nevertheless harmful or annoying to a user. Examples might include location tracking, web browsing habit monitoring, or delivery...

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Gummi-bear hack

A low-end technique of spoofing a biometric fingerprint scanner by using a fingerprint preserved in a soft piece of candy. Compare junk hack.

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Definition of hacker : noun

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The activity of looking for or exploiting weaknesses in a computer system or network, typically illegally or illegitimately. When used to describe a legitimate activity, often qualified as white hat...

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A hacker whose motivation is political, religious, or ideological, as opposed to criminal.

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An open-source software framework that supports data-intensive distributed applications. It supports running applications on large clusters of commodity hardware.

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Hard drive

A kind of persistent storage device.

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